To revise an existing policy and/or form(s).
What changed?
The following revisions were made to the PA 2457, Civil Rights Information Notice:
The PA 2457 is an informational brochure that explains to Department of Public Social Services (DPSS) customers their civil rights and provides information on how to file a civil rights complaint. The reverse side of the form provides instructions for filing a State Hearing via the DPSS Appeals and State Hearing (ASH) Section.
CalWORKs, CalFresh, CAPI, Contracts, GAIN, Medi-cal, District Operations, General Relief, IHSS, START, Other Contracts
Available Through
Forms Library and WLAMS
English, Spanish, Armenian, Cambodian, Chinese, Farsi, Korean, Russian, Tagalog, Vietnamese
Note: When a form is needed in a language for which we do not have a translation, provide the customer with the English version, along with the GEN 1365, Notice of Language Services and verbally translate the form in the customer’s preferred language using a free telephone language interpreter or by certified bilingual staff without undue delay.
Ordering Instructions
Order supplies from WLAMS via a PA 16, Supply Requisition. An initial supply of the revised PA 2457 form will be distributed in all threshold languages to all DPSS offices. Additional supplies must be requested by each DPSS office through WLAMS.
Current Inventory
Should be recycled per procedures contained in the DPSS Operations Handbook, Section 23-600.
The PA 2457 includes the complaint and appeal information provided in the PUB 13, Your Rights Under California Public Benefits Programs brochure. Additionally, the PA 2457 includes ASH and Civil Rights Section contact information. The California Department of Social Services released ACL 23-98, Changes to Civil Rights Appeal Language, to provide updated discrimination complaint appeals rights information.
The PA 2457 must be provided to all customers in the appropriate language at intake and renewal. In addition, the PA 2457 must be displayed in all public facing DPSS and contract agency reception areas in all DPSS threshold languages.