To release a new policy.
This is to provide staff with instructions for utilizing American Sign Language (ASL) Video Remote Interpreting (VRI) services to assist customers who are deaf or hard of hearing.
In accordance with California Department of Social Services (CDSS) Division 21 regulations, the Department of Public Social Services (DPSS) must make every effort to provide all persons with meaningful access to its programs and services. DPSS provides free interpreter services to customers upon their request, including ASL VRI for customers who are deaf or hard of hearing. DPSS employees or other non DPSS contractors should not serve as ASL interpreters; even those who are ASL certified.
It is essential to ensure accurate and effective communication with customers who are deaf or hard of hearing through an ASL interpreter. ASL VRI services are provided by a County contracted ASL VRI services vendor and are coordinated by the Civil Rights Section (CRS).
Effective immediately, DPSS will offer customers who are deaf or hard of hearing and visit a DPSS office or during a home visit, access to ASL VRI services on demand in coordination with the CRS. In-person ASL interpreter services continue to be available to customers who prefer this method of communication. Additionally, California (CA) Relay should be offered to customers to communicate via telephone.
As stated in the Americans With Disabilities Act Title II Accommodations Policy, DPSS must provide auxiliary aids and services to customers with disabilities when necessary to communicate effectively. Auxiliary aids and services must be provided in a timely manner. Staff must give primary consideration to a customer’s preferred accommodation request when evaluating the auxiliary aids or services needed. DPSS has a variety of reasonable accommodation options and auxiliary aids to assist customers with disabilities.
All Program applications inform customers of their right to free interpreter services and customers may select their preferred spoken and written language. In addition, Program applications allow customers to disclose if they have a disability.
Civil Rights Liaison (CRL)
A manager at the level of Human Services Administrator I is responsible for ensuring implementation of Civil Rights policy at their respective offices and provides customers with information on how to file a Civil Rights complaint, among other duties.
ASL Video Remote Interpreter
An ASL interpreter from Language Line Solutions provides online ASL services remotely via real time video to customers who are deaf or hard of hearing.
Reasonable Modification
Modifications to policies, practices, or procedures to ensure all programs and services administered by DPSS are accessible to customers with disabilities.
Language Line Solutions
Contracted vendor who provides online ASL VRI services to DPSS customers.
Language Line Solutions Service Incidents
CRS will report any issues or incidents of any kind to Language Line Solutions.
Unusual service incidents may include but are not limited to:
CA Relay
CA Relay provides specially trained operators who relay telephone conversations back and forth among individuals who have hearing or speaking limitations and those that wish to communicate via telephone.
Warm Hand-Off
Ensuring a customer is provided personalized customer service (“Hand-Off”) from one staff member to another until the customer’s inquiry (in the office or over the telephone) is resolved.
ASL VRI requires DPSS staff and customers to be in-person at the same location only at a DPSS office or during a home visit.