To revise an exisiting policy and/or form(s).
What changed?
In accordance with the California Department of Social Services Manual of Policies and Procedures, Division 21 Regulations, DPSS and its contracted agencies must make every effort to provide all persons with equal and meaningful access to its programs and services. Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, and California Government Code Section 11135 require reasonable accommodations/modifications to policies, practices, and procedures whenever necessary to provide equal access to individuals with disabilities. Reasonable accommodations/modifications may be necessary to allow a qualified individual with a disability to access a program or service, to comply with program requirements, and to participate fully in programs, services, and activities.
DPSS has implemented several customer service initiatives in an effort to continually provide customers prompt and effective service to its customers in need of reasonable accommodations/modifications. The Civil Rights Section (CRS) CSL position was established to assist ADA customers in the District Offices.
Civil Rights Liaison and ADA Liaison
District/Regional Civil Rights Liaisons (CRLs) and ADA Liaisons hold managerial positions and work closely with the CRS and CSLs to ensure adherence with Civil Rights and ADA policies in DPSS District Offices.
Customer Service Liaison
CRS CSLs are management level personnel that are out stationed at GR andCalWORKs District Offices to assist District Office staff with coordinating reasonable accommodations and modifications for individuals with disabilities. Among other responsibilities, CSLs provide guidance on Civil Rights and ADA Title II reasonable accommodation/modification polices and are responsible for ensuring timely completion of each Reasonable Modification Request (RMR).
Discrimination Complaint
A complaint alleging a customer was denied equal access to programs or services offered through DPSS, based on one or more of the following protected categories: National Origin (including language), Color, Race, Ancestry, Ethnic Group Identification, Physical or Mental Disability, Age, Sex, Gender, Gender Identity or Expression, Sexual Orientation, Marital Status, Domestic Partnership, Medical Condition, Genetic Information, Religion, Political Affiliation, Citizenship, Immigration Status, or any other applicable basis. Discrimination complaints may also include retaliation.
Model Office Concept
A service delivery model designed to optimize the customer experience, provide consistent practices across District Offices and reduce wait time for customers who need to conduct quick transactions without the need to see an Eligibility Worker.
Reasonable Accommodation/Modification
Modifications to policies, practices, or procedures to ensure all programs and services administered by DPSS are accessible to customers with disabilities and do not: 1) Fundamentally alter the nature of the program, service, or activity; or 2) Impose an undue financial or administrative burden, considering all resources available to the program, service, or activity. Examples of a reasonable accommodation or modification may include, but are not limited to, assisting customers who are blind or visually impaired with completing forms, or expediting services for customers with post traumaticstress disorder, who have difficulty functioning in crowded spaces.
It is the responsibility of the DPSS employee to offer and provide an accommodation if a disability is apparent or the customer informs staff that they have a disability. For example, a customer may appear to have difficulty understanding program requirements; the employee must offer an accommodation to speak slowly and explain all program requirements in a clear and measured manner. The accommodation is then documented, and a Special Circumstance Indicator is added to the case.
Note: Only the ADA Title II Coordinator has the authority to deny a reasonable accommodation/modification.